International Standard Book Number (ISBN) Cambodia

The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is an internationally recognized system which allocates a unique identifying number to a book or publication. In Cambodia, the National Library of Cambodia (NLC) is the appointed ISBN agency and is responsible for distributing and managing the ISBN system.


Benefits of ISBN:

The ISBN system is the foremost worldwide ordering device for the international book trade and library market. By adopting the ISBN, Cambodia’s booksellers, publishers, authors and libraries can:

  • Include publications in international trade bibliographies, thus promoting Cambodia’s publishing output to the world
  • Encourage book sales and facilitate greater access to national and international markets
  • Identify a publication quickly and efficiently without searching through long bibliographic records, saving time and money
  • Build library collections and catalogues that are comprehensive and easy to search


Structure of the ISBN

The ISBN number is made up of 13 digits, divided into four parts by hyphens or spaces. For example,
978-99950-0-210-8 or 978 99950 0 210 8

The four parts all relate to a certain aspect of the publication:


Part 1 – Group Identifier

Identifies the country or language area participating in the ISBN system. The group identifier for publications produced in Cambodia is: 978 99950


Part 2 – Publisher Identifier

Identifies a particular publisher within the Group. The number of digits in the publisher identifier depends on the volume of publications produced by the publisher. 


Part 3 – Title Identifier

Identifies a specific edition of a publication


Part 4 – Check Digit

Always the last digit of the ISBN, it is calculated using a mathematical formula and is included to ensure the accuracy of the ISBN. The check digit will always be a number 0-9 or an X.


Please note, because ISBNs are unique numbers that mark a publication distinctly, ISBNs assigned to a publication cannot be used again on other publications. The ISBN must always be a unique number.



IMPORTANT: Changes to the ISBN Structure


On the 1st January 2007 the ISBN structure changed from 10 digit to a 13-digit system. This change created more ISBNs for distribution. The NLC began distributing 13-digit ISBNs in June 2005 printed in conjunction with the 10-digit ISBNs. Instructions have been provided to publishers upon the changes in 2007.



Printing the ISBN

The ISBN must appear on the item itself and be easy to locate and to read. It should always be printed with spaces or hyphens between the four parts, and is always preceded by the letters “ISBN”.


For Example:

ISBN 978-99950-0-568-9
ISBN 978 99950 0 568 9


For Khmer language publications, it is also recommended to print the ISBN in Khmer, in the following format:

    លសខអ 978-99950-0-568-9

Primarily, the ISBN should appear on the verso of the title page (the copyright page) along with other copyright and publication information.

If possible, it should also be printed on the lower section of the outside back cover.


Publications Eligible for ISBNs

What publications are eligible for an ISBN?

In Cambodia, ISBNs are most likely to be applied to printed books. However there is a range of formats eligible for ISBNs including books on cassette or CD ROM, maps, educational films, DVD’s and videos, microform and software.

What publications are not eligible for an ISBN?

There are a number of types of publications that are not eligible for ISBNs including  diaries, calendars, advertising material, sound recordings (excluding books on cassette or CD), art prints and folders without a title page or text, serial publications, i.e. Publications that are published at regular intervals (magazines, newspapers, annual reports). Serial publications should be assigned an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN). Please contact the NLC for more information.


When to allocate a new ISBN to a publication:

A new ISBN should be allocated to a publication if:

  • An edition is revised and reprinted with at least 5% content change
  • The format changes, e.g. A book is re- produced as an audio recording, in hardback instead of paperback, etc.
  • A reprint is made by a different publisher
  • A publication is given a new or altered title


A publication does not require a new ISBN if:

  • It has undergone a price change
  • It is reprinted without any changes
  • It is reprinted with a new cover design


How to apply for an ISBN:

Complete an ISBN Application Form (link to document here) or visit the National Library of Cambodia to obtain an application form. For each new title published please forward 5 copies for Legal Deposit purposes to the address below. If you are a publisher applying for your first ISBN, a publisher prefix will be assigned to you based upon the number of publications you expect to produce. Once the form is submitted, the ISBN will be sent to you via mail or email within 5-10 working days.


Contact ISBN:

Cambodian ISBN Agency
National Library of Cambodia
Ph 92 Christopher Howes
Daun Penh District
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Telephone: 011 303 701 / 023 430 609


Contact Legal Deposit:
Cambodian ISBN Agency
National Library of Cambodia
Ph 92 Christopher Howes
Daun Penh District
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Telephone: 023 430 609 / 012 718 259



Frequently Asked Questions
ISBN User’s Manual